ACM SIG Events on Learning from History
In this upcoming Friday, November 16, 2012 in Cary, NC, USA, there will be a SIGSOFT event in conjunction with SIGSOFT 2012 / FSE-20: Symposium on Learning from Experiences in Software Engineering (SLESE 2012), co-organized by Barbara G. Ryder (Virginia Tech), Wolfram Schulte (Microsoft Research), and Tao Xie (North Carolina State University).
The goal of this SLESE symposium is to bring together researchers with substantial research experiences to give invited presentations and panel discussions on sharing their lessons learned from their research experiences in developing a research project, area, or agenda, including lessons learned from their research-development process, strive for high-impact research.The SLESE symposium highlights five distinguished researchers: Crista Lopes (UC Irvine, USA), Brian Robinson (ABB Research, USA), Zhendong Su (UC Davis, USA), Andreas Zeller (Saarland University, Germany), and Dongmei Zhang (Microsoft Research Asia, China).
Back in 2010 in Toronto, Canada, there was a SIGPLAN event in conjunction with PLDI 2010: the International Workshop on Learning From eXperience (LFX 2010), co-organized by Shaz Qadeer (Microsoft Research, USA), Xavier Rival (Ecole Normale Supérieure, France), Koushik Sen (UC Berkeley, USA), and Eran Yahav(IBM Research, USA). The goal of this LFX workshop is to bring together researchers with practical experience to share their lessons, tips, and tricks, on how stuff really works.