Schedule for Capturing Hidden ACM Heritage seminar
Times | Schedule | Presenters | Keynotes | Registration
This schedule is subject to change.
Friday, September 30
Opening Remarks
- Barbara Boucher Owens, Southwestern University (retired) and ACM History Committee chair
- Yannis Ioannidis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and ACM President
Keynote: 75 years of ACM’s Heritage
- Vicki Hanson, ACM CEO
Panel 1: Connected Interdisciplinary Collections
- Moderator: Amanda Wick, Charles Babbage Institute and ACM History Committee
- Work of the ACM-W Europe, Altin Rukiye, ACM-W Europe Chair, and Ruth G. Lennon, ACM-W Global Chair
- Preserving the History of ACM SIGWEB, Inna Kouper, Indiana University
- Preserving our Software Heritage and its Stories, Roberto Di Cosmo, Director of the Software Heritage Initiative
Panel 2: Making History Accessible
- Moderator: Troy Astarte, Swansea University and ACM History Committee
- From Concept to Completion: Designing and Building an Online Archive, Bonnie Mitchell, Bowling Green State University, and Jan Searleman, Clarkson University
- ACM SIGGRAPH’s Online and Physical Archive: An Overview, Bonnie Mitchell, Bowling Green State University, and Jan Searleman, Clarkson University
- History of SIGCSE and its conferences, Alison Clear, Eastern Institute of Technology, Auckland, NZ
Panel 3: Event / Instance Documentation
- Moderator: David Brock, Computer History Museum and ACM History Committee
- History of the ACM/IEEE Supercomputer Conference, Kevin Walsh, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Turing Awardee History Project, Roy Levin, Microsoft (retired) and History Committee
- ACM Key Awards Video Series Project, Chuck House, InnovaScapes Institute
Keynote: Why SIG history matters — New data on gender bias in ACM’s founding SIGs 1970–2000
- Thomas Misa, University of Minnesota, Former Director of the Charles Babbage Institute
Closing: Take-aways for the day
Saturday, October 1
Opening Remarks
Keynote: The Emerging Renaissance: Communiversity Science
- Ruby Mendenhall, Associate Dean for Diversity and Democratization of Health Innovation at the Carle Illinois College of Medicine at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Working Session 1: Oral History
- Moderator: Jeff Yost, Charles Babbage Institute and ACM History Committee
- Exemplar: Computing Educators Oral History Project, Vicki Almstrum, Texas State University and ACM History Committee
- Breakout groups
Working Session 2: Surfacing Hidden History
- Moderator: Anna Loup, Gray’s Harbor College and ACM History Committee
- Exemplar: Revisiting SIGCOMM 99’s Technical History of the Internet, Frances Corry, University of Pennsylvania’s Center on Digital Culture and Society
- Breakout groups